How can I donate to the women of Njau?

Monetary donations can be made through Women Initiative Gambia (WIG) through their website at https://womensinitiativegambia.org/. Donations of plastic garbage, second-hand, or discarded items are not accepted. If you’d like to purchase a purse or autographed book, visit this page.

How can I send my students’ letters or fan mail to the creators of One Plastic Bag?

Due to the overwhelming number of people who send mail to One Plastic Bag book creators, a reply to your letters is unlikely. Thank you for understanding. The creators are happy to receive letters and appreciate all the mail and interest in the project. They promise to try and read everything that arrives.

Isatou Ceesay (environmentalist)
Sinchu Alhagie
PO BOX 2917
The Gambia

Miranda Paul (author)
PO Box 1463
Green Bay, WI 54305-1463

c/o Carol Hinz (editor/publisher)
Lerner Publishing Group
241 N 1st Ave #1
Minneapolis, MN 55401

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